Kęstutis Arlauskas



prof. dr. (HP) Kęstutis Arlauskas

El. paštas: kestutis.arlauskas@ff.vu.lt

Tel: +370(5)2234544

Fax: +370(5)2366003

Adresas: Saulėtekio al. 3 A312 kab

1974 m. baigė Vilniaus universiteto Fizikos fakultetą, specializacija – Puslaidininkių ir dielektrikų fizika. Suteikta fiziko kvalifikacija.

1982 m. apgynė daktaro disertaciją „Amorfinio seleno fotolaidumas stipriuose elektriniuose laukuose”. Suteiktas Fizikos daktaro laipsnis.

2009 m. atliko Habilitacijos procedūrą tema „Krūvininkų pernaša ir rekombinacija netvarkiose medžiagose“. Suteiktas Fizinių mokslų krypties, Fizikos daktaro (HP) laipsnis.

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vyr. laborantas


Publikacijų sąrašas:

  1. Г.Юшка, С.Венгрис, К.Арлаускас. Аномальное магнетосопротивление жидкого селена. Liet. fiz. rinkinys, 6, Nr. 6, 1974, p. 196.
  2. G.Juška, S.Vengris, K.Arlauskas. Electron lifetime in amorphous selenium. phys. stat. sol., (a), 48, p. K149-K151 (1978).
  3.  К.Арлаускас, Г.Юшка, С.Венгрис. Время жизни носителей заряда в a-Se. Физическая электроника, Каунас, 1978, с. 93-95.
  4. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Features of electron mobility in amorphous selenium. Amorphous semiconductors, Pardubice, ČSSR, 1978, p. 138.
  5. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Features of electron mobility in amorphous selenium. Materials of int. conf. „Amorphous semiconductors-78“, Pardubice, ČSSR, 1978, p. 375-378.
  6. Г.Юшка, С.Венгрис, К.Арлаускас. Влияние электроотрицательных примесей на фотоэлектрические свойства аморфного селена. Управление технологическими процессами микроэлектроники, Каунас, 1980, с. 62-64.
  7.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, В.Таурайтис. Ударная ионизация в аморфном селене. Б кн.: Электрофотография, Вильнюс, 1980, с. 155-157.
  8. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Impact ionization and mobilities of charge carriers at high electric fields in amorphous selenium. phys. stat. sol., (a), 59, p. 389‑393 (1980).
  9. Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Горячие носители тока и ударная ионизация в аморфном селене. Физические явления в некристаллических полупроводниках, Кишинёв, Т.Б., 1980, с. 53-55.
  10.  Г.Юшка, С.Венгрис, К.Арлаускас. Природа времен жизни электронов и дырок в аморфном селене. Физические явления в некристаллических полупроводниках, Кишинёв, Т.Б., 1980, с. 56.
  11.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Время жизни дырок в аморфном селене в сильных электрических полях. Liet. fiz. rinkinys, 22, Nr. 3, p. 86-90 (1982).
  12.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Горячие носители заряда в аморфном селене. Liet. fiz. rinkinys, 22, Nr. 3, p. 85 (1982).
  13.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Features of hot carriers in amorphous selenium. phys. stat. sol., 77, p. 387-391 (1983).
  14.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Features of hot holes in amorphous selenium. Proc. of Int. Conf. „Amorphous semiconductors-82“, Bucharest, 1982, p. 271-273.
  15.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, С.Венгрис. Проблема времени жизни в аморфном селене. Труды конф. “Аморфные полупроводники – 82”, Букарест, 1982, c. 274-276.
  16.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Полевая зависимость дрейфовой подвижности носителей тока в аморфном селене. Тезисы докладов всесоюзного совещания семинара “Математическое моделирование и экспериментальное исследование электрической релаксации в элементах интегральных схем”, Москва, 1983, с. 36.
  17.  Л.Блинов, Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, М.Гутенев. О влиянии магнитного поля на свойства жидкого и стеклообразного селена. Физика и химия цтекла, 2, №. 6, c. 748-751 (1983).
  18.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Разогрев и ударная ионизация тока в неыпорядоченной структуре. Плазма и неустойчивости в полупроводниках – тезисы докладов VI всес. симпозиума, Вильнюс, 1983, с. 128-129.
  19.  К.Арлаускас, В.Макарычев, Э.Монтримас, А.Таурайтис, Г.Юшка. Способ преобразования изображения и устройство для его реализации. А. с. 1037066 (СССР), 1983.
  20.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Свойства горячих дырок в a-Se в области температуры стеклования. Сб. докл. Межд. Конф. “Аморфные полупроводники-84”, Габрово, БИР, 2, 1984, с. 303-305.
  21.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Ударная ионизация в a-Si:H. Плазма и неыстйчивости в полупроводниках, VI всес. симпозиум, Вильнюс, 1986, с. 237.
  22.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, А.Буйнявичюс. Магнитосопротивление цтеклообразного и жидкого селена. Стеклообразные полупроводники, тезисы докладов всес. конф., Ленинград, 1985, с. 70-71.
  23.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас. Полевая деактивация дрейфовой подвижности носителей тока в аморфном селене. Liet. fiz. rinkinys, 26, Nr. 3, p. 357‑362 (1986).
  24.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, S.Vengris. Field disactivation of hole drift mobility in a-Se. Int. conf. „Non-cryst. Semiconductors¢ 86, Abstracts, Balatonszeplak, Hungary, 1986, p. 164.
  25.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, S.Vengris. Field disactivation of hole drift mobility in amorphous selenium. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 90, p. 437-439 (1987).
  26.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, E.Montrimas. Features of carriers at very high electric fields in a-Se and a-Si:H. Abstracts 12-ICALS, Praga, 1987, p. 326.
  27.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, E.Montrimas. Features of carriers at very high electric fields in a-Se and a-Si:H. J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 97-98, p. 559-562 (1987).
  28.  Г.Юшка, Г.Юконис, К.Арлаускас. Зонная подвижность электронов и дырок в a‑Se, 1989, с. 8-12.
  29.  K.Naukkarinen, K.Arlauskas, L.Gronberg. A study of the properties of the YBa2Cu,3O7‑d high temperature superconductor. Journal of Material Science, 24 (4) p. 1203 –1205 (1989).
  30.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, Г.Юконис, М.Мездрогина. Пролётная методика при исследовании переноса в a‑Si:H структурах. Сб. научных трудов “Аморфные полупроводники и диэлектрики на основе кремния в электронике”, Одесса, 1989, с. 357-361.
  31.  О.Голикова, У.Бабаходжаев, М.Казанин, М.Мездрогина, К.Арлаускас, Г.Юшка. Удельные сдвиги носителей заряда и фотопроводимость аморфного гидрированного кремния. ФТП,  24, Nr. 7, c. 1190-1193 (1990).
  32.  G.Juška, J.Kočka, K.Arlauskas, G.Jukonis. Electron drift mobility in a-Si:H under extremely high electric field. Solid State Communications, 75, Nr. 6, p. 531-533 (1990).
  33.  М.Мездрогина, О.Голикова, М.Казанин, В.Кудоярова, Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, А.Бардамид Р.Хайдаров, К.Сорокина. Получемие плёнок a‑Si:H в многоэлектродной системе. Неорганические материалы, 27, № 4, c. 666-667 (1991).
  34.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, O.Klima, J.Kočka. Field dependence of the low temperature quantum efficiency, mobility and mt-product in a-Si:H. J.Non‑Cryst.   Solids 137/138, p. 411-414 (1991).
  35.  О.Голикова, У.Бабаходжаев, М.Казанин, М.Мездрогина, К.Арлаускас, Г.Юшка. Удельные сдвиги носителей тока и плотность состояний аморфного гидрированного кремния. ФТП 25, с. 551‑553 (1991).
  36.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka. Field dependence of the low temperature quantum efficiency, mobility and mt-product in a-Si:H. 14th Int. Conf. of Amorphous Semiconductors – Science and Technology – Abstracts (1991) p. 269.
  37.  Г.Юшка, К.Арлаускас, Я.Кочка. Об аномальной низкотемпературной фотоподвижности носителей заряда в a – Si:H“. Фотоэлектрические явления в полупроводниках, Ашхабад (1991) с. 125.
  38.  Г.Юшка, Я.Кочка, К.Арлаускас, Г.Юконис. Новое об низкотемпературной фотоподвижности и плотности цоцтояний в a‑Si:H. Аморфные гидрированные полупроводники и их применение, Ленинград (1991) с.10.
  39.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, R.Schwarz, S.Vengris. Charge transport in a‑Si:H/a‑SiC:H multilayers. Abstracts of 8-UFPS, Vilnius, 1992, p. 32 – 34.
  40.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, R.Schwarz, S.Vengris. Charge transport in a-Si:H/a-SiC:H  multilayers. Liet. fiz. rinkinys, 32, Nr.5, p. 19-22 (1992).
  41.  G.Juška, J.Kočka, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas. Subnanosecond bimolecular non – radiative recombination in a‑Si:H. Abstracts of ICAS 15, Cambridge, 1993, p. Th ‑ P2/ 1.
  42.  K.Arlauskas, G.Juška, R.Schwarz. Charge transport along and across a‑Si:H/a‑SiC:H multilayers. Abstracts of ICAS-15, Cambridge, 1993, p. Th ‑ P1/2.
  43. G.Juška, J.Kočka, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, Subnanosecond bimolecular non-radiative recombination in a-Si:H. J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 164-166, p.579-582 (1993).
  44.  K.Arlauskas, G.Juška, R.Schwarz, T.Fischer. Charge transport along and across   a-Si:H/a-SiC:H multilayers. J.Non-Cryst. Solids 164‑166, p. 873-876 (1993).
  45.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka. Electric field heated hot electrons in a-Si:H – new features. Abstracts of 16th International Conf. on Amorphous Semiconductors, Kobe, Japan (1995) p. 359.
  46.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka. Ultrafast non-radiative bimolecular recombination in a-Si:H“. Abstracts of 9th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, Vilnius (1995) p. 116.
  47.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, T.Fischer, A.Suchodolskis. Electron tunneling in a‑Si:H/a‑SixC1-x :H multilayers. Abstracts of 9th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, Vilnius (1995) p. 128.
  48.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. The hot carrier behaviours in non-crystalline solids. Abstracts of the 5th International Workshop on „Electronic properties of metal/non-metal microsystems“, Wroclaw (1995) p.71.
  49.  G.Juška, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka. Space-charge-limited photocurrent transients: The influence of bimolecular recombination. Phys.Rev.B, 51, No.23, p.16668‑16676 (1995).
  50.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka, M.Hoheisel, P.Chabloz. Hot electrons in amorphous silicon. Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, No.16, p. 2984-2989 (1995).
  51.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Properties of hot carriers in a-Si:H in comparison to a‑Se. / In „Solid State Phenomena“, vol.44-46, „Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon“, Ed.H.Neber‑Aeschbacher, Scitec pub., Switzerland, 1995, p. 551‑558.
  52.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka. Ultrafast non-radiative bimolecular recombination in a-Si:H. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 35, No. 5&6, p. 611‑615 (1995).
  53.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, R.Schwarz, T.Fischer, A.Suchodolskis. Electron tunneling in a-Si:H/a-SixC1-x :H multilayers. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, 35, No. 5&6, p.627-630 (1995).
  54.  G.Juška, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, A.Fejfar, J.Kočka. Evaluation of new possibilities of the post-transit space-charge-limited-photocurrent method. 23rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Abstracts, Berlin, 1996, p. ThP-17.
  55.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Kočka. Electric field heated electrons in a-Si:H ‑ new features. J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 198-200, p. 202-205 (1996).
  56.  G.Juška, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, A.Fejfar, J.Kočka. Evaluation of new possibilities of the post-transit space-charge-limited-photocurrent method. The Physics of Semiconductors, Ed. M.Scheffler, R.Zimmermann, Vol.1, World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong, 1996, p. 125 ‑ 128.
  57.  R.Österbacka, K.Arlauskas, G.Juška, and H.Stubb. Time-of-Flight Measurements in Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Poly(3-hexylthiophene). // Abstract of the technical conference on Optical Probes of Conjugated Polymers, SPIE Annual Meeting 1997, San Diego, California USA.
  58.  R.Österbacka, K.Arlauskas, G.Juška, and H.Stubb. Time-of-Flight Measurements in Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Poly(3-hexylthiophene). // Proceedings of SPIE SD-97 (1997) p. 389 – 393.
  59.  M.Viliūnas, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Pecularities of Space-Charge-Limited Photocurrent. // Abstracts of XXVI International School on Physics of Semiconducting Compounds, Jaszowiec ’97, 1997, p. 139.
  60.  R.Österbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, A.J.Pal, K.-M. Källman, and H.Stubb. Response times of polymeric light-emitting diodes // Abstract of MRS fall meeting – 97,1997, Boston, MA, USA.
  61.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, B.Equer, R.Vanderhaghen.. High electric field hole mobility in a‑Si:H. // Abstracts of 17th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors, Budapest, 1997.140.
  62.  M.Viliūnas, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, and J.Kočka. Ultrafast recombination of holes and electrons in a-Si:H. // Abstracts of 17th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors, Budapest, 1997.159.
  63.  M.Viliūnas, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, V.Baltušis. Pecularities of Space-Charge-Limited Photocurrent // Acta Physica Polonica A. 1997. 92(5). 1043-1047.
  64.  Viliūnas M., Juška G., Baltušis V., Arlauskas K. Ultrafast recombination of holes in a-Si:H // Lietuvos fizikos žurnalas. 1997. 37, No 6, 561-563.
  65.  Kaladė J., Montrimas E., Arlauskas K. Sensitivity of electroroentgenographic layers // Lietuvos fizikos žurnalas. 1997. 37, No 6, 564-566.
  66.  Kaladė J., Montrimas E., Arlauskas K. Rentgeno spinduliuotės sugerties ir elektrorentgenografinių sluoksnių jautrio tyrimai. // 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, Vilnius, 1997. 166-167.
  67.  K.Arlauskas, K.Genevičius, G.Juška, R.Osterbacka. Krūvininkų pernaša Langmiur-Blodgett plėvelėse. // 32- oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, Vilnius, 1997. 340‑341.
  68.  D.Abromavičius, K.Arlauskas, V.Baltušis, G.Juška, M.Viliūnas. Skylių savybės a‑Si:H. // 32-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija, Vilnius, 1997. 164‑165.
  69.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, B.Equer, R.Vanderhaghen. High electric field hole mobility in a‑Si:H. J.Non-Cryst. Solids, v.227-230, p. 176-179 (1998).
  70.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Comparison of charge carrier transport and recombination in a-Si:H and mc-Si:H. Solid state physics and technology. VII Lithuanian – Polish seminar, Kaunas, 1998, p.25.
  71.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, K.Genevičius. Charge carrier transport in mc-Si:H. Abstracts of 10 UFSP, Vilnius, p. 160 (1998).
  72.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Nature of ultrafast recombination in a-Si:H. Abstracts of 10 UFSP, Vilnius, p. 105 (1998).
  73.  R.Osterbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, A.J.Pal, K.M.Kallman and H.Stubb. Electric field redistribution and electroluminescence response time in polymeric light-emitting diodes. J. Appl. Phys. 84, No6, 3359 (1998).
  74.  R.Osterbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, H.Sandberg and H.Stubb. Charge carrier mobility in Langmiur-Blodgett films of poly(3-hexylthyophene). Abstracts of ICSM98, Montpellier, France, p. 204 (1998).
  75.  K.-M.Kallman, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Origin of photocurrent in poly(3-hexylthyophene). Abstracts of ICSM98, Montpellier, France, p. 185 (1998).
  76.  G.Juška, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, J.Stuchlik, and J.Kočka. Ultrafast Charge Carrier Recombination in a-Si:H and mc-Si:H. Phys. stat. sol. (a), V.171, 1999, p. 539 – 547.
  77.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, K.Genevičius, J.Kočka. Charge carrier transport in mc‑Si:H. Materials Science Forum, V. 297 – 298, 1999, p. 327 – 330.
  78.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Nature of ultrafast recombination in a-Si:H. Materials Science Forum, V. 297 – 298, 1999, p. 323 – 326.
  79.  K.Arlauskas, V.Gaidelis, K.Genevičius, G.Juška. Features of charge carrier transport in phthalocianine dispersed in binder polymer. Electrical and related properties of organic solids ERPOS-8, Book of abstracts, Wroclaw, p.64 (1999).
  80.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, and H.Stubb. Time-of-flight measurements in thin films of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene). Electrical and related properties of organic solids ERPOS-8, Book of abstracts, Wroclaw, p.92 (1999).
  81.  G.Juška, K.Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, H.Stuchlikova, A.Fejfar, J.Kočka. New method of drift mobility evaluation in mc-Si:H, basic idea and comparison with time-of-flight. Abstract book of ICAMS-18,Utah,USA, p.337 (1999).
  82.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, and H.Stubb. Time-of-flight measurements in thin films of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene). European conference on molecular electronics ECME’99, Abstracts. Linkoping,Sweden, p.67 (1999).
  83.  R. Osterbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, H.Sandberg and H.Stubb. Charge carrier mobility in Langmiur-Blodgett films of poly(3-hexylthyophene). Synthetic Metals v.101, p.88-89 (1999).
  84.  K.-M.Kallman, R. Osterbacka, H.Stubb, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas. Origin of photocurrent in poly(3-hexylthyophene). Synthetic Metals v.101, p.581-582  (1999).
  85.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, K.Genevičius. Krūvininkų pernašos tyrimas iš jų ekstrakcijos srovės kinetikos. 33-ioji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija.Pranešimų tezės. Vilnius. 1999 p.39.
  86.  G. Juska, K. Arlauskas, R. Österbacka, and H. Stubb, Time-of-Flight Measurements in Thin Films or Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene). Paper presented at European Conference on Molecular Electronics (ECME’99), September 8-11, 1999, Linko“ping, Sweden. Abstracts, p. 67 (1 p.)
  87.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, and H.Stubb. Time-of-flight measurements in thin films of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene). Synthetic Metals, v. 109/1‑3, p.p. 173-176  (2000).
  88.  K.Arlauskas, V.Gaidelis, K.Genevičius, G.Juška. Features of charge carrier transport in phthalocianine dispersed in binder polymer. Synthetic Metals, v. 109/1-3, p.p. 101-103  (2000).
  89.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, M.Viliūnas, J.Kočka. Extraction Current Transients:  new method of study of charge transport in microcrystalline silicon. Phys.Rev.Letters, v.84, p. 4946-4949 (2000).
  90.  K.Genevičius, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, G.Juška. Krūvininkų pernašos savybės plonuose konjuguotų polimerų sluoksniuose. Polimerų chemija, fizika ir technologija. Pranešimų medžiaga. Kaunas. 2000. p.40.
  91.  G.Juška, K.Genevičius, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, H. Stuchlikova, A. Fejfar, J.Kočka. New method of drift mobility evaluation in mc‑Si:H, basic idea and comparison with time-of-flight. J. Non-Crystalline Solids 266 – 269 (2000) 331‑335.
  92.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, M.Viliūnas, K.Genevičius, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb, T.Ääritalo, J.Kankare. The drift of photo-generated  and equilibrium charge  carriers in thin polymer films. Book of abstracts, ICSM’2000, Elsevier, 2000, p.62.
  93.  G.Juška, K.Genevičius, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Transport features of photo-generated and equilibrium charge carriers in thin PPV polymer layers. Abstracts of the 2nd international conf. ADOM-2, Vilnius, 2000, p.75.
  94. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, M.Viliūnas, K.Genevičius, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Extraction current transients: a new method to study charge carrier transport in organic thin films. Materials research society symposium proceedings series, vol.660, JJ4.7, Boston, 2000, p.663.
  95. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, M.Viliūnas, K.Genevičius, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Charge transport in π-conjugated polymers from extraction current transients. Phys.Rew.B,vol.62 (2000) 16235-16238.
  96. G.Juška, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, N.Nekrašas, N.Wyrsch, and L.Feitknecht. Hole mobility in mc‑Si:H. J.Appl.Phys. vol. 89 (2001) 4971‑4974.
  97. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, M.Viliūnas, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Transport features of photo-generated and equilibrium charge carriers in thin PPV polymer layers. SPIE Proceedings (ADOM-2), 4415 (2001) 145-150.
  98. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, N.Nekrašas, J.Stuchlik. Features of charge carrier transport determined from carrier extraction current in mc‑Si:H. . Abstract book of ICAMS – 19. Nice, France (2001) Tu-P4/8.
  99. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, M.Viliūnas, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Charge transport in p-conjugated polymers from time-of-flight and extraction current transients. Proceedings of XXXV Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society//Ed. Vessa Kolhinen et al. Jyvaskyla, Finland (2001) p.188.
  100. T.Lozovski, E. Montrimas, K.Arlauskas, G.Juška. Non-destructive methods for determination of electric parameters of dielectric layer. International Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and application of Dielectric Materials, Wroclaw (2001) p.128-130.
  101. K. Genevičius, R. Osterbacka, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, H. Stubb. Charge transport in p- conjugated polymers from extraction current transients. E-MRS 2001 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg , (2001)  p. 23.
  102.  G.Juška, N.Nekrašas, I.Stuchlik, K.Arlauskas, M.Viliūnas, J.Kočka. Features of charge carrier transport in mc-Si:H/a-Si:H superlattices. Materials Science Forum, Vols.384-385 (2002) p. 301-304.
  103.  K. Genevičius, R. Österbacka, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, H. Stubb. Charge transport in p-conjugated polymers from extraction current. Thin Solid Films, 403 – 404 (2002) p. 414‑417.
  104.  G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, N.Nekrašas, J.Stuchlik, X.Niquille, N.Wyrsch. Features of charge carrier transport determined from carrier extraction currents in m-Si:H. J.Non-Cryst. Solids, 299-302 (2002) p. 375-379.
  105. G. Juška, K. Genevičius, K. Arlauskas, R. Österbacka, and H. Stubb. Charge transport at low electric fields in p-conjugated polymers. Phys.Rev. B 65 (2002) 233208 – 1-4.
  106. K.Genevičius, R.Osterbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, H.Stubb. Separation of fast and slow transport in Regiorandom polyhexylthiophene. Book of Abstracts. International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals. Shanghai, China, 2002, p.48.
  107. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Features of charge carrier concentration and mobility in p-conjugated polymers. 9th International Conference ERPOS, Prague, 2002, p.SL25.
  108. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Charge carrier transport at low electric field in p-conjugated polymers. 9th International Conference ERPOS, Prague, 2002, p.P83.
  109. R.Rinkūnas, K.Arlauskas, E.Montrimas. A-Si:H sluoksnių augimo ant Al padėklo ypatumai. Aukštaitijos regiono mokslas ir pramonė. Konferencijos darbų rinkinys, Panevėžys, 2002, p.280‑281.
  110. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, R.Osterbacka, K.Arlauskas, T.Kreouzis, D.D.C.Bradley, H.Stubb. Initial transport of photgenerated charge carriers in p-conjugated polymers. Phys. Rev. B 67, 08120 1-4 (2003).
  111.  K.Genevičius, R.Österbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, and H.Stubb. Separation of Fast and Slow Transport in Regiorandom Poly(3-hexylthiophene). Synthetic Metals 137 (2003) 1407-1408.
  112. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, R.Osterbacka, A.Pivrikas, K.Arlauskas, T.Kreouzis, D.D.C.Bradley, H.Stubb. Quantum efficiency and initial transport of photogenerated charge carriers in p-conjugated polymers. Synthetic Metals 139 (2003) 811-813.
  113.  G. Juška, K. Genevic(ius, R. Österbacka, K. Arlauskas, A. Pivrikas, T. Kreozis, D.D.C Bradley, and H. Stubb, “Initial transport and quantum efficiency measurements of photogenerated charge carriers in p-conjugated polymers”, Abstract presented orally at the XXXVII Annual Meeting of the Finnish Physical Society, March 20-22, 2003, Helsinki. University of Helsinki Report Series in Physics, HU-P-265 (2003), p. 200.
  114. G. Juška, K. Genevičius, R. Österbacka, K. Arlauskas, A. Pivrikas, T. Kreouzis, D.D.C Bradley, and H. Stubb, “Initial transport and quantum efficiency measurements of photogenerated charge carriers in p-conjugated polymers”, Abstract accepted as oral presentation at OP2003, 9-14 February 2003, Venice, Italy. Book of abstracts p. 92.
  115. R. Österbacka, A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, K. Genevicius, K. Arlauskas, and H. Stubb, “Charge Transport in p-Conjugated Polymers from Extraction Current Transients”, Book of Abstracts of 7th European Conference of Molecular Electronics, ECME7, Avignon, France, September 10-14, 2003.
  116. G.Juška, N.Nekrašas, K.Arlauskas, J.Stuchlik, A.Fejfar, J.Kočka. Photogenerated carriers in mc-Si:H/a-Si:H multilayers. Book of Abstracts of ICAMS’20, Campos de Jordao, Brasil, August 25 – 29, 2003, p. PTu-5/9.
  117. N.Nekrašas, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, G.Sliaužys. Krūvininkų pernaša mc-Si:H. 35-oji Jubiliejinė LNFK, Programa ir pranešimų tezės, 2003, birželio 12 – 14, p. S2-07.
  118. G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, N. Nekrašas, G. Sliaužys. Charge carrier transport in mc-Si:H. Lithuanian Journal of Physics, vol.43, no.4, p.285-289 (2003).
  119. R. Österbacka, A. Pivrikas, G.Juška, K. Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, and H. Stubb. Measuring the time relaxation of photogenerated charge carriers in organic materials. Current Appl.Phys.415 (2004) p.534-538.
  120. G. Juška, N. Nekrašas, K. Arlauskas, J. Stuchlik, A. Fejfar, J. Kočka Photogenerated carriers in mc-Si:H/a-Si:H multilayers. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 338-340 (2004) p.353-356.
  121. G.Juška, K.Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, R.Osterbacka, H.Stubb. Features of charge carrier concentration and mobility in p-conjugated polymers. Macromolecular Symposia 212 (2004) p.209-217.
  122. A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, G. Juška, A. Mozer, M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci, and H. Stubb. Charge carrier transport and recombination in p-conjugated polymers and bulk heterojunction solar cells. Abstract presented orally at GSMR winter meeting 16.12.2004, Turku, Finland.
  123. T. Lozovski, E. Montrimas, K.Arlauskas. Electric and Dielectric Features of Thin Organic Polymer Layers // Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials – APTADM 2004, 15-17.09.2004, Wroclaw, Poland. – Scientific Papers of the Institute of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of the Wroclaw University of Technology, No 40, Conference 15, p. 1 – 3 (2004)
  124.  G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, R. Österbacka, and H. Stubb. Investigation of charge carrier features in p-conjugated polymers by the CELIV method // Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials – APTADM 2004, 15-17.09.2004, Wroclaw, Poland. – Scientific Papers of the Institute of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of the Wroclaw University of Technology, No 40, Conference 15, p. 4 – 8 (2004)
  125.  J.-M. Nunzi, G. Juška, F. Jean and K.Arlauskas. Slowup of Bimolecular Recombination in Organic Polymer Solar Cells. Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.107, No2 (2005) p.377-380.
  126. N.Nekrašas, G.Sliaužys, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Stuchlik and J.Kočka. Ultrafast Bimolecular Recombination in Nanocrystalline Hydrogenated Silicon. Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol.107, No2 (2005) p.373-376.
  127. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, R. Österbacka, M. Westerling, M. Viliūnas, K. Arlauskas, and H. Stubb. Langevin recombination and space-charge-perturbed current transients in regiorandom poly(3-hexylthiophene). Phys. Rev. B 71 (2005) p. 125205-1-5.
  128. A.Pivrikas, G.Juška, A.J.Mozer, M.Scharber, K.Arlauskas, N.S.Sariciftci, H.Stubb, R.Osterbacka. Bimolecular recombination coefficient as a sensitive testing parameter for low-mobility solar-cell materials. Phys.Rev.Letters 94 (2005) 176806.
  129. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, G.Sliaužys, A.Pivrikas, A.J.Mozer, N.S.Sariciftci, M.Scharber, R.Osterbacka. Double injection as a technique to study charge carrier transport and recombination in bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Applied Phys. Lett. 87 (2005) p. 222110,1—3.
  130. A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, H. Stubb. Time-dependent  Langevin-type bimolecular   charge carrier  recombination in regiorandom poly(3-hexylthiophene). Synthetic Metals 155 (2005) 242-245.
  131. R. Österbacka, A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, A. J. Mozer, M. Westerling,  M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci, and H. Stubb. Bimolecular charge carrier recombination in bulk heterojunction solar cells probed with time-of-flight and extraction current transient techniques. Abstract presented orally at Optical Probes 2005, January 4-8, 2005, Bangalore, India, p.59.
  132. A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, G. Juška, A. Mozer,, M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci and H. Stubb. Charge transport and recombination in bulk heterojunction solar cells, Oral presentation at the 39th annual conference of the Finnish physical society, Otanniemi 17-19.03.2005. Proceedings of the XXXIX annual conference of the Finnish physical society, p. 187.
  133. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, G. Sliaužys, A. Mozer, M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci, and R. Österbacka. Charge carrier transport and recombination studies in high efficiency bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Abstract presented orally at GSMR winter meeting 2005, Turku, Finland.
  134. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, M. Scharber, N.S. Sariciftci, and R. Österbacka, Double Injection in Bulk Heterojunction Solar cells. Abstract presented as a poster at GSMR spring meeting, 2005, Turku, Finland.
  135. K. Arlauskas, G. Juška, A. J. Mozer, N.S. Sariciftci, F. Jean, J.M. Nunzi, A. Pivrikas and R. Österbacka. Reduced bimolecular charge carrier recombination in organic polymer structures. Special lecture at Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids and Polymers, ERPOS10, July 10-15th, 2005, Cargese, Corsica. Book of abstracts p. E113.
  136. A. Pivrikas, G. Juska, K. Arlauskas, A. Mozer, M. Scharber, N.S. Sariciftci and R. Österbacka. Charge transport and recombination in bulk heterojunction solar cells. Oral presentation in Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids and Polymers, ERPOS10, July 10-15th, 2005, Cargese, Corsica. Book of abstracts p. B181.
  137. G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, G. Sliauzys, M. Scharber, A. Pivrikas, and R. Österbacka. Recombination of injected charges in bulk heterojunction solar cells. Abstract presented at Electrical and Related Properties of Organic Solids and Polymers, ERPOS10, July 10-15th, 2005, Cargese, Corsica. Book of abstracts p. P13.
  138. A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, G. Juska, A. Mozer, M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci and H. Stubb. Charge transport and recombination in bulk heterojunction solar cells. Oral presentation at the “Optics and Photonics” session 5938 of the SPIE annual meeting, July 31st – August 4th 2005, San Diego, USA.
  139. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, G. Sliauzys, A. J. Mozer, N. S. Sariciftci, M. Scharber, and R. Österbacka. Reduced recombination in conjugated polymer fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells. Oral presentation at the 3rd European conference on organic electroluminescence and related phenomena, ECOER05, Winterthur, Switzerland, 27-30.09.2005.
  140. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, G. Sliauzys, A. J. Mozer, N. S. Sariciftci, M. Scharber, and R. Österbacka. Reduced recombination in conjugated polymer fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells. Oral presentation at the MRS fall meeting 2005, November 29-December 2, 2005, Boston, USA.
  141. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, M. Scharber, N.S. Sariciftci, and R. Österbacka, Double Injection in Bulk Heterojunction Solar cells. Abstract presented as a poster at Turku Nano Forum 2005.
  142. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Stuchlik, R.Osterbacka. Non-langevin bimolecular recombination in low mobility materials. ICANS 21 – Science and technology, September 4-9, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal : book of abstracts. ISBN 972-8993-04-3. Lisbon, 2005, p. 155.
  143. A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, A. Mozer, M. Scharber, K. Arlauskas, N.S. Sariciftci, and R. Österbacka. Charge carrier transport and recombination in bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Abstract submitted to Annual Meeting of the Finnish Physical Society, 2006, Tampere.
  144. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, J.Stuchlik, R.Osterbacka. Non-Langevin bimolecular recombination in low mobility materials. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 352 (2006) p.1167-1171.
  145. G. Sliaužys, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, A. Pivrikas, R. Österbacka, M. Scharber, A. Mozer, N. S. Sariciftci. Recombination of photogenerated and injected charge carriers in p-conjugated polymer/fullerene blends. Thin Solid Films 511‑512 (2006) 224 – 227.
  146. G.Dennler, A.J.Mozer, G.Juška, A.Pivrikas, R.Osterbacka, A.Fuchsbauer, N.S.Sariciftci. Charge carrier mobility and lifetime versus composition of conjugated polymer/fullerene bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Organic electronics 7 (2006) 229-234.
  147. G.Juška, G.Sliaužys, K.Genevičius, K.Arlauskas, A.Pivrikas, M.Scharber, G.Dennler, N.S.Sariciftci, R.Osterbacka. Charge-carrier transport and recombination in thin insulating films studied via extraction of injected plasma. Phys.Rev. B 74 (2006) 115314 1-5.
  148. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, K.Genevičius, N.Nekrašas, G.Sliaužys. Plasma injection as technique to study charge carrier transport and recombination in organic solar cells and LED‘s. Proc.of SPIE 6596 (2007) 65961B-1-4.
  149. A.Pivrikas, R.Osterbacka, G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, M.Scharber, A. J. Mozer, N.S.Sariciftci. Comparison of bimolecular charge carrier recombination p-conjugated polymers and bulk-heterojunction solar cells. Nonlinear optics and Quantum optics 37 (2007) 169-177.
  150. G.Juška, K.Arlauskas, G.Sliaužys, M.Scharber, A.Pivrikas, R.Osterbacka. Recombination of injected charge carriers bulk heterojunction solar cells.  Nonlinear optics and Quantum optics 37 (2007) 179-183.
  151. K. Arlauskas, A. Baronas, N. Nekrašas, K. Kazlauskas. Photoelectric features of vacuum deposited a‑Si:H/Alq3 blends. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008) 2160.
  152. G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, K. Genevičius, N. Nekrašas. Features of Charge Carrier Mobility and Recombination in Organic Solar Cells. International Symposium Towards organic photovoltaics, Linz, Austria, 2008, p.35.
  153. T. Malinauskas, J. Stumbraite, V. Getautis, V. Gaidelis, V. Jankauskas, G. Juška, K. Arlauskas, K. Kazlauskas. Multifunctional emissive material based on 1-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline. Dyes and Pigments 81 (2009) 131
  154. G.Juska, K.Arlauskas, “Discovery of Impact Ionization in a-Se”, 1st International Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Radiation Medical Imaging, Thunder Bay (2010) p.13. (Invited)
  155. R. Österbacka, A. Pivrikas, G. Juška, A. Poškus, H. Aarnio, G. Sliaužys, K. Genevičius, K. Arlauskas, and N.S. Sariciftci. Effect of 2-D delocalization on charge transport and recombination in bulk-heterojunction solar cells. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (2010) 1738.
  156. G. Juška Jr., G. Juška, M. Daškevičienė, V. Getautis, K. Arlauskas, „Charge carrier mobility in annealed layers of triphenylamine derivatives“ Abstracts of  14th international Symposium UFPS, ISBN 978-9955-750-08-6, Vilnius, 2010, p.24.
  157. Juška Giedrius, Genevičius Kristijonas, Juška Gytis, Arlauskas Kęstutis. Charge carrierr transport properties in derivative of triphenylamine // E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting : organic photovoltaics: science and technology, Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 2011, [p. 35].
  158. Arlauskas Kęstutis, Songaila Ramūnas, Lenkevičiūtė Bronė, Jasulaitienė Vitalija, Juškėnas Remigijus, Getautis Vytautas, Malinauskas Tadas. Electrodeposited ZnO layers for organic solar cells // E-MRS 2011 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, September 19-23, 2011. Warsaw : Warsaw University of Technology, 2011, H62.
  159. Juška Giedrius, Malinauskas Tadas, Getautis Vytautas, Arlauskas Kęstutis. Photoelectric features of organic layers formed by thermal melting // ICANS 24 : Science and technology : 24nd international conference on amorphous and nanocrystalline semiconductors, Nara, Japan, 21-26 August 2011 : program and abstract book. Nara, 2011, p. 293.
  160. Dabužinskas Rokas, Juška Giedrius, Getautis Vytautas, Arlauskas Kęstutis. Photoelectric features of sprayed hybrid organic material/ZnCdS layers // Advanced optical materials and devices (AOMD-7) : 7th international conference, Vilnius, 28-31 August, 2011: programme and abstracts. Vilnius, 2011, p. 49.
  161. Sliaužys Gytis, Arlauskas Kęstutis, Gulbinas Vidmantas. Krūvininkų porų ir laisvų krūvininkų fotogeneracija ir rekombinacija polimero/fulereno tūrinėse heterosandūrose // 39-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija: programa ir pranešimų tezės, Vilnius, 2011 m. spalio 6-8 d. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2011, p. 49.
  162. Sabonis Vytautas, Juška Giedrius, Malinauskas Tadas, Getautis Vytautas, Arlauskas Kęstutis. TiO2 sluoksnio struktūrizavimo lazeriu įtaka organiniui saulės elementui // 39-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konferencija : programa ir pranešimų tezės, Vilnius, 2011 m. spalio 6-8 d. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2011, p. 286.
  163. J. Ardaraviciene,  B. Barvainiene,  T. Malinauskas,  V. Jankauskas,  K. Arlauskas,  V. Getautis. Symmetrical azine-based polymers possessing 1-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline moieties as materials for optoelectronics. Reactive & Functional Polymers  71(10) (2011)  1016-1022.   DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2011.07.005  Published: OCT 2011   ISSN: 1381-5148.
  164. T. Malinauskas,  D. Tomkute-Luksiene, M. Daskeviciene, V. Jankauskas,  G. Juska Jr.,  V. Gaidelis,  K. Arlauskas,  V. Getautis.  One small step in synthesis, a big leap in charge mobility: diphenylethenyl substituted triphenylamines. Chemical Communications  47(27) (2011) 7770-7772.  DOI: 10.1039/c1cc12700d   Published: 2011. ISSN: 1359-7345.
  165. Sliauzys, Gytis; Arlauskas, Kestutis; Gulbinas, Vidmantas. Photogeneration and recombination of charge carrier pairs and free charge carriers in polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction films. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE  209(7) (2012) 1302-1306   DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201127512 Published: JUL 2012. Impact factor:
  166. G.G. Juška, V. Šablinskas, S. Tumėnas, M. Daškevičienė, V. Getautis, K. Arlauskas. Dependence of hole mobility on structure of derivatives of diphenylethenyl substituted triphenylamines. Book of Abstracts of International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals, July 8 – 13, 2012, Atlanta, Georgija, USA. ICSM 2012, 253.
  167. D. H. K. Murthy, A. Melianas, Z. Tang, G. Juska, K. Arlauskas, FL. Zhang, L.D.A. Siebbeles, O. Inganas, T.J. Savenije. Origin of Reduced Bimolecular Recombination in Blends of Conjugated Polymers and Fullerenes. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 23 (34), (2013) 4262-4268DOI:10.1002/adfm.201203852, Published: SEP 14 2013, ISSN:1616-301X.
  168. K. Arlauskas, G. Juška Jr., S. Tumėnas, R. Juškėnas, V. Getautis. Influence of Annealing to Mobility of Holes in Layers of Derivatives of Diphenyl Substituted Tripehnylamines. Program and Abstracts of The 25th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Semiconductors, August 18-23, 2013 Toronto, ON Canada, p.156. (Oral presentation).
  169. K. Arlauskas, R. Dobuzinskas, J. Varpucianskis, G. Juska Jr., V. Getautis and A. Poskus. Impact of X-ray on Electric Features of Organic and Organic-Inorganic Materials. The Biannual Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference, August 12-16, 2013, Thunder Bay, ON Canada, M11. (Invited)